Then, go to the place where Ho-Oh/Hou-Hou is located in the Gold version to find it. Go to Pewter City and talk to the old man that walks around. You do this after beating Mahogany Town gym. You can get this from the Station Manager after beating the Rockets in the Radio Tower. Go to Ecruteak City, then go inside the house with another house beside it. From: Gold Magikarpīreed the golden Gyarados with a regular Gyarados to get a golden Magikarp. Note: You cannot evolve Bellossom/Kirehana into Vileplume. Give Gloom a Sun Stone and it will evolve into Bellossom/Kirehana. Train it to level 30 to get Ampharos/Denryuu. Go to the route after Violet City towards the Union Cave, and try to capture the electric sheep, Mareep/Meripu. Detach the Nugget(s) and sell them for $5,000 each. Use the duplication trick as many times as needed. Go to the Underground Path in Goldenrod City on Monday. This works best with berries and balls from Kurt.
#Pokemon soul silver openemu cheats password
Then get the password to reset the time and change the day. Note: You cannot duplicate items in Poke Balls, such as Rare Candy. Go to the item that you want to be duplicate. If done correctly, you will have the Pokemon that you cloned in your party and another one in Bill's computer where you deposited. Make sure the power is off before more text comes up or you will not get the cloned Pokemon. Once it says there is another file, select "Yes" and at the same time turn the power off on the Game Boy system. Put the Pokemon you want cloned in an empty box on Bill's computer. Note: This trick could corrupt your saved game file. Faster credits displayĭuring the credits, press Start + Select + A + B. While playing the game, press Start + Select + A + B to reset the game. Restart gameĪt the title screen, press Up + B + Select. The password can be calculated online at The Bruise Brothers and The PokeMasters or you can download a Windows 95/98/Me program to do it on your PC. You will need to enter a password to change the time, based on your Trainer name, Trainer number, and money. At the title screen, press Down + Select + B.